Printing and mailing a magazine is expensive

Your content combined with our expertise gives life to a superb digital publication that will save money and impress your readers!

In today’s fast-paced world, printed publications are “old school” and quickly being replaced by a new wave of digital magazines that engage people with vibrant colors, video clips, single-click hyperlinks and sound bites. C&S Publishing can assist you in bringing your magazine into the modern era with a quality, but inexpensive, upgrade to HTML5 digital.

C&S Publishing is a digital publisher working primarily with not-for-profit agencies. We offer a complete digital service, including graphic design and layout, production of a modern digital edition that displays on tablets, iPads, iPhones and Android devices as well as computers, advertising sales with 25% of the revenue returned to your association, original photography and content creation.


The digital train has already departed

Happily, we can get you onboard quickly and easily. We begin by working collaboratively to design the digital publication – colors, fonts, layout – that can be presented to your Board for review and approval. Once approved, we’ll work with you to get the publication’s new website designed and setup and linked to your main site. We also work with your advertisers to upgrade them to a digital display ad. We also sell for your publication, sharing 25% of the ad revenue with you.


Offering professional photography services and original content creation

In additional to graphic design and layout, C&S Publishing can provide professional photographer services. Photos are shared without restriction so they can be used for other purposes in addition to your publication. We also create original content that is shared without additional charge.


What others say about C&S Publishing

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International Chiropractors Association

Idaho Association of Chiropractic Physicians


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